Welcome to the fifth year of the Higher Ground Fair and one of its headlining events, the Llama & Alpaca Performance and Fleece Shows!
Llama & Alpaca Shows:
Saturday, 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Sunday, 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Fleece & Fiber Shows:
Saturday & Sunday, All Day!
Participant Information
Download the full show packet and entry forms, using the buttons below - (use either the word doc or pdf format forms, whichever works best for you). Just in case you might be interested in doing a demonstration, giving a presentation or selling some of your special wares, you will also find participant applications on this page. All vendor and display booths are offered at low prices!
Having trouble with forms or have questions about this part of the fair?
Contact Gayle Woodsum
Information on lodging and animal health requirements:
Wyoming health regulations require no special testing!
For camelids, the State of Wyoming requests the following for animals coming from outside Wyoming:
Health Certificate and Ivomec (or Dectomax) within 30 days
Llama/Alpaca ID: description of each animal on their health certificate
Any problems or questions from your vet, contact Gayle directly at 307.399.3815 or gayle@highergroundfair.org
Camping is Free, and there is Hotel Lodging available at special rates to exhibitors, but there are reservation deadlines!
Details provided in your Show Information and Entry Form Packet.